Thursday, September 6, 2007

deja vu...nah not the matrix one

Have you sometimes felt at a particular moment in your day2day life that you have been through all of this?, well i beleive this happens to all of us and the reason, i beleive is that we all think in circles, its just like sometimes a tune or a music that you have heard sometime back (and although you have not been thinking of it in any way) suddenly plays in your head and you are humming it or singing it and it keeps on playing non-stop in your head, now this is what i'm talking about, i beleive that this was a core point in one of revolution of your thought flow
and with another thought process you are just passing by this point and its just interfacing! i know this thought is so hi-fi and i got no theory to support it but give a thought maybe a tune is playing in your head right now in this very moment!

the nomad of the modern world

I guess its been sometime now that i've been obsessed with this word'The Nomad', its strange i compare myself to a nomad because life is making me one, i just don't know where i'm going or what's gonna happen or what or whom i'm gonna find.
The journey till now has been smooth sailing, i guess i'm planning to sail the seven seas!!
I'm just twenty one but i guess life has taught me a lot, i used to be the guy who used to be quiet all the time and have no say to anything, i used to stick to the rules always, i was a robot!!
college changed me and breathed life into this machine, i learnt the ways to getting things done, i learnt that after a particular age we all start getting responsble its just inbuilt!!

Just recently i watched a show on Discovery which said that the human brain stops developing after a person reaches 18, now that was scary!!! It just raised alarms in my head, am i prepared to take on the World and whatever it has to offer?

Yes I Am!! Now that triggers me that's why i'm sailing, that's why i'm the modern nomad, not knowing what's coming my way but perpared to take it all!